Pear Pickin in Willcox, AZ.
You drove where to get what? Yes, Willcox, Arizona is a little known gem in the fresh fruit markets of Arizona. Apples, Peaches, Pears, Pecans, Vegetables, Grass-fed Lamb and so much more. Willcox is approximately a 3 hour drive from Phoenix into southeastern Arizona. The land of famous cowboys!! Willcox is proof that with the right climate and altitude, fruit trees will survive and produce. We were apparently two weeks early for ripe fruit but with the price of $25 per bucket with another thrown in for free, my husband and I thought we were in Nirvana. Well, not quite but what the hell. We were even given instructions on how to use a picker. My plans for the bushel of pears that we bought home? Why of course pure organic pear sauce for my granddaughter Bella. Someday she will appreciate my efforts.